Sony knows that most of us are stuck at home during this whole coronavirus pandemic, bored out of our minds to the point that we are watching awful shit on Netflix like Tiger King. To show their gratitude for you in doing the right thing by staying home to help to flatten the curve, they’ve announced the Play At Home initiative.
Play At Home has two components: Providing free games to help keep the PlayStation community entertained at home, and establishing a fund to help smaller independent game studios who may be experiencing financial difficulties continue building great experiences for all gamers.
Now I don’t know about you, but I’m all about free games. Up for grabs are Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Journey. You don’t have to pay for anything, you don’t have to be a PlayStation Plus subscriber, and the games are “yours to keep” after the games are redeemed through the PlayStation Store. The promo kicks off on April 15 at 8pm PDT and runs through May 5 at 8pm PDT.
To download your free games, simply turn on your PS4, navigate over to the PlayStation Store, and tap the search bar (if you don’t spot the promo image on the homepage). Just add one or both games to your library and download ’em when you’re ready to play.
I haven’t played either of these games before, but I’ll definitely give ’em a whirl, as I have got nothing to lose, and pleeeenty of time on my hands. Yeah, free Pornhub Premium was nice and all, but it’s time for a change.
Kudos to Sony on hooking us up with these free games, and for taking care of the smaller independent game studios! 👍

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