Bros, are you stuck at home right now, stir crazy and going out of your mind because of this whole coronavirus pandemic? It’s been a bit of a nightmare, between the boredom, the working from home, and the lack of chicks, on account of “social distancing” and all. What’s a horny dude that wants to meet up and smash supposed to do?
Pornhub to the rescue! Starting today, Pornhub is offering free Pornhub Premium to the entire world in an effort to encourage people to stay home and practice social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Users can sign up at to enjoy HD, on-demand streaming platform for the next 30 days, no credit card required!
“With nearly one billion people in lockdown across the world because of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important that we lend a hand and provide them with an enjoyable way to pass the time. We hope by expanding our offer of free Pornhub Premium worldwide, people have an extra incentive to stay home and flatten the curve,” said Corey Price, Vice President, Pornhub.
But that’s not all. In response to the pandemic, Pornhub is also pledging its support to first responders and medical staff fighting on the front lines against the Coronavirus around the world. Pornhub’s COVID-19 relief efforts worldwide include donations of:
- 15,000 surgical masks to protect first responders from the Local 2507 of New York City, which represents emergency medical technicians (EMTs), paramedics and fire inspectors of the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY).
- 15,000 surgical masks to the Uniformed Firefighters Association (UFA) Local 94 of New York City to protect first responders.
- 20,000 surgical masks to Mount Sinai South Nassau to bolster the safety of nurses, physicians and support staff caring for Coronavirus patients.
- €50,000 to various European organizations to purchase additional masks and medical equipment, including Dein Quarantäne Engel / Deutsches Rotes Kreuz in Germany, Croce Verde di Vicenza in Italy, España vs Coronavirus. Mascarillas AQUÍ AHORA and Material Sanitario para Hospitales Públicos ESPAÑA in Spain.
- $25,000 to Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP), contributing directly to sex worker relief funds in the SWOP-USA network to meet immediate requests for support from sex workers impacted by COVID-19.
Kudos to Pornhub for helping people out in this challenging time. After all, it’s like the State of New York said in their recent press release, which advised that masturbation is the safest kind of sex there is during the pandemic. And what better way to get your rocks off than with Pornhub Premium?

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