Have you heard? JetBlue wants to ease the burden on those people who owe money to the IRS this year by giving away free flights in their Tax Return Return Flight giveaway!
JetBlue knows that many people spend their tax return refunds on vacations, and they don’t want you to forgo some much needed R&R just because your bank account is feeling the crunch after writing that big check to Uncle Sam. So they’re giving away 1,000 one-way flights.
And unlike those complicated tax forms, it’s dead easy to enter. Simply submit your name, email address and birthdate at jetbluetaxreturnflight.com, confirm that you owed taxes (no proof necessary), and hit Submit. The deadline to enter is April 25, 2017, and winners will be notified via email.
Each of the winners will receive a travel certificate good for a one-way economy flight for travel within the 48 contiguous states and Alaska, and you can redeem it between May 1 and June 15, 2017.
Good luck!

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